Real World Terrain

Completion Date

Project description
This mini-project focused on experimenting with some real-world terrain data, reading that data in, and generating terrain heights with Unity’s terrain tools. This curiosity came from working with the terrain tools manually in the Forest Game (Wings Challenge) and noticing that the terrain objects were scriptable.

The scene you see in the demo is a few square mile replica (to scale) of the area around the lake I grew up on. In this project I also experimented with populating a dense forest of trees on this terrain and subsequently crashing my computer. I learned some basics of LOD and culling and what is possible with naive implementations of terrain and terrain objects in Unity. I Imported my Blender Enterprise-D scale model into this project for fun.

Note, this was a “workbench” project, so the code is not pristine.

Asset Credits:
LowlyPoly - Stylize Water Texture
ALP8310 - Terrain Textures Pack Free