Gym World (aka Crypto Combat)

Completion Date

Project description
Gym World is a simulation/builder style game in which the player is the owner of a gym and can build out the gym with new areas, rooms, and equipment. The gym will also be able to level up and increase the stats of fighters which can be training at the gym. Fighters who are “contracted” with the player can compete against other fighters contracted by other players in the game.

- Continue developing my skills as a member of a larger game development team
- Work with artists and UI/UX roles to realize design elements in-game
- Meet with team members to brainstorm features
- Demo and discuss progress on my work
- Create Jira tickets for transparency in planned work and progress
- Continue developing my Unity skills
- Deep dive into the functionality of the Unity Grid and Tilemap features for 2D
- Sprite and texture handling (PPU, Pivot Points were new concepts)
- Tilemap colliders, the Joy Of Z Indexes and Offsets
- Canvas UI positioning in relation to world space and Tilemap positions
- Time track my work to have an understanding of personal velocity in an agile sense
- Have a full, completed project